Pelaksanaan Metode Desentralisasi Penyimpanan Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Islam Banjarmasin

The Implementation of the Decentralized Method of Storing Medical Record Documents in the Outpatient Filing Room of the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital


  • Husin Husin Politeknik Unggulan Kalimantan
  • Aus Al Anhar Politeknik Unggulan Kalimantan


Filing, Decentralization, Straight Numerical Filing System


Medical records will be carried out properly if the data processing and recording department performs their duties properly, one of which is data processing in the filing (storage) section. Storage of medical record documents is very important to do in a health care institution, storage needs to be managed properly in order to achieve the goal. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the decentralized method of storing medical record documents in the outpatient filing room of the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital. This research method uses qualitative research and research design with a case study approach. Methods of collecting data by means of interviews and observations. The results obtained are the storage system using decentralization and the alignment system using the Straight Numerical Filing System (SNF). Implementation of storage and alignment of medical record documents already has Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) but the current SPO does not contain the document number and signature of the hospital director, the implementation of retrieval of medical record documents has not used a tracer and does not have SPO but has based on existing guidelines, the facilities in the outpatient filing room have not met. It is necessary to add the document number and the signature of the hospital director to the latest SPO, make a tracer, make an SPO for taking medical record documents and planning to add existing shelves or procurement of storage racks using roll o'pack racks.





