Implementasi Penyimpanan Rekam Medis Elektronik Ruang Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit X Banjarmasin

Implementation of Electronic Medical Record Storage in Inpatient Rooms at Hospital X Banjarmasin


  • Eka Rahma Ningsih Politeknik Unggulan Kalimantan
  • Nirma Yunita Politeknik Unggulan Kalimantan


Implementation, Storage


Storage of medical record data on digital-based storage media for health service facilities in the form of: servers, certified cloud computing systems. Hospital X Banjarmasin uses an electronic medical record system, patient data is stored on the server when the implementation of the system is disrupted resulting in the input of patient data not being stored so that the electronic medical record is incomplete. The aim of the study was to determine the implementation of inpatient electronic medical record storage at X Hospital Banjarmasin. The research method uses a type of qualitative research. The instruments used were interview guidelines and observation guidelines. The results of research at Hospital X Banjarmasin inpatient department obtained the performance of the electronic medical record storage server with good condition in the hospital placed in a special room. There are 8 computers in each room, and Inpatient Registration Center has 4 computers. The computer network for electronic medical record storage uses Indihome with a good and smooth LAN (Local Area Network) network type. Using a single identity, namely using a NIK and there are incomplete NIK and addresses. Controlled  by IT personnel of electronic medical record storage from an electronic medical record storage server, namely by controlling data security, backing up data and controlling the server room. Computers used in electronic medical record storage are computer with maintenance and firewill control. Computer network in electronic medical record storage controlling the network smoothly or not.






